Embrace Your Ands - The Sunday Pep-Talk #9

Embrace Your Ands 

Back after a month to ‘embrace your ands’.
That’s right, you read it right. No typos here. I mean what I say. It’s been a little while as I'm working on a few things at the moment to get this Sunday Pep-Talk into a new format (watch this space or stay updated on Instagram!).
 Embrace Your 'Ands' Namaste From Ananya - Sunday Pep-Talk 9

Background on Embracing Your Ands

This week's pep-talk is inspired by those random clear-outs your have at home. I was struck by what I found and for me it has been a gentle and important reminder for all us to 'embrace the ands' in our lives.
Because there are enough opportunities to go around.
We get to define ourselves as we wish. We have the power to add or remove titles as we choose fit.
Sometimes we forget though.

A Reminder

Take A Listen & See What You Think
Click play & take a listen!
(Don’t worry, you don’t need to download SoundCloud – you can just press the play button on the inserted player below!) 

What did you think?

As always, I’d love to hear what you thought of today’s episode and how you're 'embracing your ands'.
Fancy Some More?
If you liked this post, you may also like the Original Sunday Peptalk (Number 1)#2 Start Before You’re Ready#3 Tell A Good Story#4 Listen To Your Intuition#5 Just One Day#6 Be Humble, Be Wise Find us over on:Bloglovin’ | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube&Until the next time,Namaste, from AnanyaXo



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