The Power Of A Hashtag - #IWD16

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #PledgeForParity.

internationalwomensday-logo-62Q. But Ana, you’re interested in maternal health, what does gender parity have to do with it?


The ‘female child’ for far too long has been seen as a ‘financial burden’.

Though the situation is improving, the scenario detailed below is sadly still a norm in too many countries.

Female child >> less encouraged to become educated

Female child reaches puberty >>

inadequate hygiene facilities [at school] during menstruation >>

Communal/open air toilets mean girls are more vulnerable to assault & humiliation >> less likely to complete high school education >>

earlier marriage >>

earlier pregnancy >>

heightened risk of maternal complication >>

obstetric problems & sometimes sadly resulting in maternal & fetal mortality.


This is just 1 scenario that could easily be altered if gender parity truly existed.

The aim of the #GlobalGoals includes tackling a fair few issues mentioned above:

No Poverty

Good Health & Wellbeing

Quality Education

Clean Water & Sanitation


But so many are heavily tied in with

5. Gender Equality

Because how can poverty be overcome, when right now:



I’ve read numerous articles titled variations of this:

‘Millenials’ are poised to reshape the ecomony’ – Goldman Sachs

‘Generation Y : The Gamechangers, the changemakers’

‘The Rise of The Millenials – How they’re set to Change the world’

...& you know what?

Each time I do, these articles fill me with so much energy.


I've written about it before & I'll say it again.

Generation Y, the ‘millenials’, whatever you want to call us:

We DO want to make a difference.

We DO realise it's up to us & never have there been as many resources as today.

We're not content with just the standard status quo.

The degree, the job, retire & then LIVE.

The more I chat to my peers, the more I feel proud & invigorated with our generation’s desire to do more than just exist.

We’re aware that our privileges come with responsibility & we’re willing to do good with what resources we have.


In a world that finds it sometimes easier to access the Internet than a hygienic toilet.

There is power in social media, bigger than we give credit for, like never before.


But what good does a hashtag do?

Think #nomakeupselfie >> & £8 million raised for Cancer Research.


A hashtag represents solidarity, support & strength.

As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers; in knowing you're not alone.

Because when we’re surrounded by like-minded individuals all investing energy into a shared cause, that’s when the magic happens.


What #PledgeForParity means to me:

  1. It means both men & women encouraging women [in all countries, not just the developing ones] to push more boundaries, to support them in all their endeavours.
  2. In challenging stereotypes in whatever environment you have influence over; be it work, home or with friends.


Like anything, change occurs first with ourselves.

-Think twice before we catch ourselves adding to harmful gender stereotypes : 'man up', ‘you can’t…..because, you’re a girl’.

When we challenge other people’s views and help lift up & encourage those men & women doing wonderful things for humanity.

So this Women’s Day, stand proud as a feminist & what that actually means : wanting equal rights for men & women & for wanting Gender Parity.

And on Tuesday, 8th March 2016, International Women’s Day 2016 [#IWD16] if you do happen to take a selfie...make it for a good cause & show your support using



Take the pledge.

or find a campaign that resonates with you :

I may not be the most vocal but I know I have a voice that matters & so does yours.

Until The Next Time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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I'm linking this post up with Lucy over at Lulastic and the Hippyshake for her International Women's Day 2016 blog linkup. Hop over and have a read of the many varied and inspirational blog posts there.


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