Christmas Charity Gift Guide


It’s 2 days before Christmas...are you’re still shopping for presents…?!

Charity Christmas Gift Giving Guide - Namaste From Ananya

Whether it’s simply stocking fillers you’re after or a more meaningful gift, this post may provide you with some answers. Inspired by friends that have decided against traditional gift-giving this year, I thought I’d put together a gift guide with a twist.

The last couple of years especially have made me realise just how little can often be needed to make someone’s day or to make them happy.

Though it’s always nice to look at the ‘pretty little things’, I know I don’t really need much else – if anything I probably have too many things. So even though we may want to celebrate the season of giving, there are other ways of showing someone we’ve been thinking of them with a gift that keeps on giving…

The Christmas Cards –

Charity Christmas Gift Giving Guide - Namaste From Ananya

A lot of cards around this time of year focus on charitable donations so I’ve picked only a handful to give you some ideas for hand-giving cards this year!

These give a proportion of its profits to a wide range of charities [from left to right]

1. Farm Africa - ‘End hunger, grow farming’

It works closely with farmers, encouraging the most effective farming techniques in order to help end Africa's dependence on food aid, for good.

2. Terrence Higgins Trust

It is the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity. It’s been at the forefront of raising awareness of the epidemic whilst providing services for people affected by HIV.

3. Autistica

Works to improve the lives of children and adults with autism through their research, so that those with autism can fulfil their true potential.


Charitable Giving

Many of us want to spread our giving and finding the most effective charities to donate to can be hard.

GiveWell is a non-profit organisation focused on evaluating some of the most effective charities based on the numbers of lives saved and improved per dollar spent.

Many may argue that though effective places to donate money, perhaps it would be better to donate to other organisations that are less well-known or neglected by a large number of donors. Although it’s a personal choice where we choose to donate money, I think it’s fair to say that a donation to any of the GiveWell recommended charities would have a lasting impact on the lives of many people. Some of GiveWell charities include:

#2 Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) |#3 Deworm the World Initiative (led by Evidence Action)

#1 on GiveWell's list is:

Against Malaria Foundation 

For a relatively small donation, of $5 insecticide-treated bed nets can prevent deaths and many non-fatal cases of malaria.


Though not included on GiveWell’s list, I’m a huge supporter of the work carried out by:

Every Mother Counts.

I’ve written about their work and partnership with TOMs before but they are hugely passionate about improving maternal health.

The Charitable Gift

Unwrapped Gifts, from Oxfam

Charity Christmas Gift Giving Guide - Namaste From Ananya

There are a fair few gifts to choose from. Ranging from medical assistance, care for mothers and babies, you could even contribute to Oxfam's efforts to tackle gender inequality and promote education for girls.

For more ideas look here


Save the Children

On the topic of child health, a gift from Save the Children can mean a ‘healthy baby hamper’, vaccines for babies and children or water filter, all designed to help a child thrive.

More Gifts from Save the Children here.


Until the 31st December, every gift purchased from the wish-list will be matched by the UK government pound for pound.


UNICEF is focused in protecting children and communities. Their work is life-changing and most desperate situations.

For as little as £12 you could also vaccinate 100 children against polio or slightly more, help provide displaced refugee children seeking food and medical assistance.


£5 feed the homeless a Christmas Dinner. Offers shelter, assitance and food to those otherwise homeless during the winter period. For £5, you can provide more than just a Christmas dinner but some renewed hope. 

Happy Christmas to you all!

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya


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