Using the intuition to move past labels - In conversation with Simona Barbieri, Founder of HubDot

I’m so excited to bring to you the very first interview of the podcast. I loved speaking with Simona, founder of HubDot.

We discuss:

  • The power of storytelling

  • Following the intuitive nudges when starting something

  • What happens when we lose touch with our intuition

  • How to reconnect back with our intuition

  • The power of embracing our authenticity

  • Being anti-racist as a founder and owning our voices

  • Periods of growth and evolution

  • The importance of continuously evolving and moving through different identities

If you’ve ever:

  • Thought: “I don’t have a story worth telling” - think again!

  • Felt defined by your labels: corporate or otherwise

  • Wanted to explore ways to “network” but in a way that feels good

This episode is for you!

As Simona mentioned: you can check out HubDot’s upcoming event on the 11th October 2022 at Kindred, Hammersmith & Fulham, London. You can buy tickets here.

I’d love to hear what resonated with you from our conversation!

Take a screenshot of you listening to the episode and tag us on Instagram:

@simona_hub_dot, @hubdot & @ananyaampersand

If you haven’t already, do make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast & share this episode with anyone you feel could do with a boost of inspiration.


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