Happy 2018!

 Posting my first blog post for 2018 nearing the end of January.

 Happy 2018!-Namaste From Ananya-Happy-2018-1

2018 has started off a little untraditionally.

Happy 2018! 

I'm sure that you're all well into your new year,

nose deep in new #goals


wondering how it's almost the end of the first month?!


Happy 2018!-Namaste From Ananya-Happy-2018-2

In 2018,

rather than go-go-go, I’ve taken a lot more time to

s   l   o w           d o w   n

and honestly, it’s been just the thing I’ve needed.

Last Year

Accepting my sporadic blogging tendencies last year took the pressure off me

when finishing off my PhD became my sole focus.

But my time to reflect has highlighted just how important it is  for me:

to share, to write and create;

regardless of who sees,

makes me so happy.


Setting aside time for myself has become a valuable tool


I want to allow it to become a more prominent feature of my life.

 Happy 2018!-Namaste From Ananya-Happy-2018-3


So this is a little introductory post to 2018.

A little wave to say hi:

As I’ve grown, so has the direction of this blog.

More than ever,

I want to share thoughts, ideas and generally create a positive space,

which aims to uplift anyone who should so wish to pass through.


How I’m feeling right now?

Lighter than I have done in a while, grateful and optimistic about 2018.


 W A T C H      T  H  I  S     S  P  A  C  E  

I’ll be sharing a mixture of reflections on culture clash,

causes that I am passionate about

and some organisational and productivity hacks

that became essential as I wrote up my PhD.


N  E  X  T     U  P 

In my next post,

I’ll be sharing my one mantra

I’m trying to repeat to myself to really stay present

and how I want to take forward in 2018.

So if you’d like to stay updated, make sure to follow along on

Bloglovin’ | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya



2018, You're more than enough already


The Little Things Add Up