How To : Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Are You Comparing Yourself To Others?

Comparison is the thief of Joy - Namaste From Ananya - How To Stop Comparing Yourself To others1

Comparison is the thief of Joy - Namaste From Ananya - How To Stop Comparing Yourself To others1

For a lot of Asian offspring, I feel this true.

But the truth is, I think this is true for ALL of us particularly

In today’s world.

I’ve mentioned it before but social media can be such an incredible tool.

On the other hand though,

Comparison can be the thief of joy.

We all know it; we’ve probably all pinned & instagrammed it.

But Are You Comparing Youself to Others?

How do we make it stop?!

Here's How To : Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

  1. Cold Turkey.

If it’s a blog: stop searching. And If you need to: Self Control it, deactivate the account.

If it’s an app. Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Snapchat.

Delete it off your device.

No seriously.

& see how you feel.

  1. What’s the root of the problem?

Is it jealousy of people's success?

Use their success as something to aspire to.

I once read a great analogy.

See everything in life as a ‘shop’

All the success around you radiating from others?

That’s all attainable for you too.

It comes back down to my favourite word:


The gist:

All the good and wonderful qualities I see in you


acknowledge that level of the 'divine'  is within me too.


By stopping the constant obsessing and going cold turkey.

We stop ourselves from retreating into a negative spiral of self-doubt, insecurity and jealousy.


3. We focus on the cause.

That person is receiving success on a grand level?

Can we find it within ourselves to be happy and inspired by their success?

Have they not put in hours (perhaps behind closed doors) of dedicated hard work into their craft, they’ve stayed commitment and positive and deserve this level of acknowledgement?

How can we use this as an opportunity for ourselves?

Can we use their example of hard work in an aspect of our lives?

Maybe we need to invest some more time into honing our craft.

Because ultimately, the qualities that we admire in others are the qualities we are able to cultivate in ourselves.


How do YOU stop comparing yourself to others?

I’d love to hear from you!

Because let’s be real.

I suffer from it as much as you!

Until then.

Namaste, from Ananya


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