Namaste From Ananya - Life Lately - Hapiness Jar1-Typewriter

And when it rains, it absolutely pours.

Amidst squelching and wading through the massive puddles of London & feeling smug I’m not stuck in the mud at Glastonbury this year

- if you’ve seen the pictures you’ll know why!...

…wait, who am I kidding, there’s always next year to recreate this ;)

But, we’re suddenly realising that it’s mid-June?!

And if there’s one thing rainy June has taught is to appreciate the sunny moments as much as the cloudier, torrential days.

So, here’s Life Lately & a few more for the happiness jar!

  1. Started June with a weekend of ‘-ings’

-spring cleaning

-sleeping in (!)







& downright enjoying this weekend filled with ‘nothing really’ but life admin.

  1. Went to the ‘Making The World A Better Place’ themed Hub Dot

And loved it as much, if not more than the first Hub Dot I went!

If you’re looking to find out more about Hub Dot, you can read about my own experience here.

Namaste From Ananya - Life Lately - Hapiness Jar1-Typewriter

  1. Videos!

Realigning my physical space has created space for more creativity and I’ve loved getting back into making videos just out of love of ‘making’ and ‘sharing’ ideas and thoughts.

I loved putting together this one here so stay tuned & subscribe if you’d like to see more because I’ve been working on some quite exciting videos recently!

  1. Enjoying the downright crazy hecticness

Okay, hear me out. Thunderstorms, if you’re caught in them are not fun.

Drenched & soaked, it’s not a great feeling. But in this


  1. It’s not over until it’s over.

It might be mid-June but it’s not over *yet*.

There’s still things to look forward to, there’s still time to push through.

Like I said, June & the next 6 months are a period of transition.

I haven’t gone straight into being wonderfully productive *much to my dismay!* but on the other hand I’ve made more gradual changes. There have been days when I’ve lapsed and just not wanted to work late in the lab, or analyse another graph or try and write up some work.

But there is still a good week left of June, a good week to re-commit to any goals that need a bit more focus.

As an incentive, there’s always watching Wimbledon, for starters ;)



Over to you! 

What’s made you happy so far in June, or this week in particular?

How are you doing with your goals for June?

What can you re-commit and focus on this week?

And *most importantly*, what are you looking forward to, as a reward for all your hard work?


Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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