Happiness Jar - April Edition


Namaste From Ananya - Smile More - Happiness April Jar

It’s almost been a month since I wrote my last little happiness post & more and more as I constantly keep saying & feeling. Life just seem to be whizzing past.

More than ever, I’m actually consciously trying to savour these moments.

There’s always a time which seemed ‘easier’ or a time we’d wish for when we’d have all the answers, but lately, after what seems like forever, I’m rediscovering the power of now & the beauty of the present.

So before I get overly sentimental in my old(er) age…

Here we go, a few things for the Happiness Jar, April Edition!



The best thing about going abroad is to collect little items that will evoke memories.

The best thing about not going away is to receive said items ;)

And this has been the best for them.

A Scottish classic, a postcard from a friend, a little NYC landscape & can we just take a moment to appreciate this MOOSE.

Namaste From Ananya - April Happiness Jar

Yoga, Canada & a Moose.

I think my life is complete!


Exploring a new part of town is always the best.

Finding an authentic Afghani place, where you sit on the floor in a curtained booth was definitely a novel experience. For anyone that’s interested:


Being asked for a blog interview

One wonderful part of social media is being able to connect to people across continents & find a connection with them. Over a month ago, I found Raashi’s blog & since then we’ve realised we are somewhat kindred spirits. This month, Raashi invited me to answer a few questions about myself & my blog for a new interview series she was starting. I was honoured that she found something about NFA that resonated within her that so she wanted to feature me. You can read the interview here & do head on over & check Raashi out here. She's so different from a lot of bloggers & that is why I love reading what she has to say!


A Little Hen Weekend 

Although I have a couple of friends already married, it’s always a milestone when the first out of a long-lasting friendship group gets married. It sets the precedent for the next few years & the exciting adventures we’ve all got ahead sharing a new ‘adult’ version of ourselves.

This weekend was only the beginning: her hen weekend & it marks an exciting month ahead!


Lots of birthdays = lots of cake!

April is always a busy month for me in terms of Bengali New Year, family events & birthdays.

Let’s spell that out properly though.

April = cake month.

& whoever can find fault in that?! ;)


Events to look forward to:

 - including visiting the London Google Campus very soon!


A Recommittment 

With all that cake being consumed, it was only right I should restart lead by example, & revisit a certain little Yoga Camp with Adriene ;). Back to being committed as I said before, I also restarted my public class & although I feel as though I have quite a fair bit to go in terms what I’d love to achieve, I’m up for the challenge ;).


The Great British Weather

It can’t be a post by a British person without some chat about the weather! London has been kind but not overly generous with its sunshine…for now! It has meant that I’ve been able to wear flat shoes for once ;)

 NamasteFromAnanya-April Happiness Jar - TOMS


Little Miracles 

I mentioned this in an Instagram post but to me :

There are no such things as coincidences.

Namaste From Ananya - April Happiness Jar


I don’t care that I’m going to sound –‘new-agey’ & ‘hippie’ when I say this.

The universe has your back.

Quite literally & little miracles actually occur.

I was talking to a dear friend about one of my goals & suddenly if by coincidence, she rings the next day me to say:

I've found a way for you to achieve it, here's the name of who you've got to get in touch with.

It might not seem much. But it’s these things that keep me going.

Those little ‘signs’ from the universe that show you and motivate you to keep striving. To keep on going, knowing you're headed in the right direction.

I don’t believe in coincidences. Nothing is a coincidence.

I’d rather believe in miracles.


What's made you happy this week or in April, so far?

Do you believe in those tiny little miracles?

Or is it just me?


Until The Next Time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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