Life Lately & Happiness Jar #5


Now let's be honest, despite my best efforts to get on top of the #2016Goals, the year did not start out as planned.


As the clock struck midnight on January 1st, there was a change in the air and unluckily for my family, we all seemed to get ill. Now, the common cold, I can deal with fine...but this was different. I've not felt this weak, sore and overcome by fever in...well I don't know when. This was also the first time I'd lost all speech. Once the initial huskiness wore off I was just left with a very hoarse voice - which only became worse as I tried my hardest to make myself heard!

Feeling sorry for myself & my belated start on the New Year Positivity bandwagon I usually love being a part of, I resigned myself to bed.


After overdosing on too much catch-up TV, I decided it was time to take some of my grandmother's advice.

'If you're ill, go wash your face & do what it takes to make yourself feel beautiful'


Wise woman, my Grandma. She didn't necessarily mean go out on a full face of make-up, but just some self-care. And it got me thinking. Perhaps when we're so run down, it's a sign of the lack of self-love we should be showing ourselves but are maybe neglecting?


Being forced to take some time to rest & recuperate reminded me to be grateful for where I was, whilst not wishing it away; there was plenty of time to focus on the #fitnessgoals or whatever other goal we set our minds to, but the present is all we have.

And so onto my first little Happiness Jar for 2016 :

  • Opted for hand lettering & practising some calligraphy instead of the adult colouring [see above!]I find it so relaxing & would highly recommend.
  • Seeing the last of the Christmas trees & lights from my hometown. I loved being home and with family for the holidays. It really did wonders for my soul - though perhaps not for my immune system!


  • And topping up on the ol' Golden Hour sunlight. My favourite time of day & it really doesn't matter where I may be, indoors, outdoors - on a train, car or walking through it. It always has the ability to warm me from my bones & beyond!


So there are only a few things that got me through the week I was down with fever, sniffles & infection.

What's made you happy so far in January? What puts a smile on your face when you're ill?

Until the next time,

Namaste, from Ananya xo

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