Let's Snail Mail, S'more?


Namaste From Ananya - Let's Snail Mail S'more!

Let's Snail Mail, S'more?

'I Whatsapped you!'

'Check your Facebook'

Wait, didn't you get my voicemail? I tried to Skype you!

'Okay, fine I'll email you!'

'Wait, you won't have phone signal....OR internet?! How do I get in contact with you?!'

Call me old-fashioned but I am a sucker for some good old snail-mail!

There's a hilarious quote from Drew Barrymore's character in:
'He's just Not That Into You' that sums up our obsession with different forms of communication.

“I had this guy leave me a voicemail at work, so I called him at home, and then he emailed me to my BlackBerry, and so I texted to his cell, and now you just have to go around checking all these different portals...It's exhausting!"


We're always glued to our phones, laptops and tablets these days.

It's a great feeling knowing that my relatives are able to share a graduation ceremony live from across the world, or being able to watch my cousin's first steps or hear her first words over Skype.

The downside though is that we seem to have this insatiable appetite for urgency; the now, now now.


Writing has been my closest friend for the longest time.

Diaries & journals; the much needed cathartic release for an introverted child.

Half-finished stories probably still lie hidden, deep within forgotten notebooks.

But one of my favourite types of writing are letters.


My closest friends and family are well aware:

I would happily spend postage on a hand-written card or letter.

I admit, postage is quite expensive these days.

BUT there's something indescribable about the feeling of receiving post.


Namaste From Ananya - Let's Snail Mail S'more!

Words, thoughtfully crafted & penned. Signed and sealed with affection, they start their journey.

Their arrival may be longer than their digital cousins but the joy they can potentially evoke is hard to rival.

Birthday cards

Wedding Cards

Christmas & Valentine's Day Cards

Imagine if we opted for Online Only?!


Not only do I love to receive post; I also love sending them.

Namaste From Ananya - Let's Snail Mail S'more

Mainly because I'm partial to all things stationery!

& When you have pretty stationery...


Who can resist a little doodle, some secret scrawlings? 

Or just a heartfelt letter?


Namaste From Ananya - Let's Snail Mail S'more! 

Pens | Pencils | Writing Set

Thank You Cards | 2015 Diary


Anyone agree with me?

Who wants to Snail Mail, S'more?!

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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