February's Face A Fear Everyday - (Try Saying That With Your Mouth Full)....


Face A Fear Everyday for FebruarySo if you've been following Face A Fear Everyday - you'll know that a challenge I set myself in January was to upload a a video!Thank you to all those that watched it - the view count is not what matters to me. What overwhelmed me was the response I got. Friends and others were saying how proud they were and how it was inspiring them to do something themselves. For me, that was the best feeling. To know that you've touched someone's life in some way or another, however small? That, right there is a precious feeling, a priceless memory and a wonderful thought. So thank you. I'm feeling truly blessed and grateful for all the support and encouragement.Posting a video online wasn't easy for me; I'm shy by nature, I always have been. I often shy away from the spotlight and uploading a video to the scary world of the internet? Well frankly, it's a bit terrifying putting yourself out on the line, not only for random strangers to judge you, but for those that you know to see you.That sounds strange right? But it's true. I'm more self conscious and embarrassed about the people I know watching the video than the anonymous viewers.This is why, for February, Since it's my birthday month, I wanted to embrace the fear. Which fear you ask? The fear of being (proudly) myself.This means embracing the fear of being judged for my hobbies, my passions, my thoughts, my opinions. And being, unapologetically, authentically Ana(nya).What fear will you be embracing this month? Let me know how you're getting on with your new year's resolutions!With love,Ana at The Asian Destination xo

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