A Little Valentine Birthday Wish


So for those of you that have been staying updated with #FAFE, you'll know that the month of February was: 'Don't be scared to be yourself'.

This #FAFE in particular requires a little help from some dedicated TAD readers...


Shall I tell you a secret?

The Asian Destination was actually born at the same time as another site, Change In Our Hands.

I had wanted to start a site that would spread positive, uplifting news and share the work of inspiring individuals all across the world. In addition to this, I wanted CIOH to be a place where I could share news about charities that I was following and find ways that I could get involved in myself as well as encouraging others too.

Though I purchased the domain in the same year as The Asian Destination, Change In Our Hands remained stagnant.


-I convinced myself I did not have enough time to run both!

- Though The Asian Destination has become my own Brit-Asian space, I was shying away from something that I knew I really wanted to do, in fear.

Fear of taking a risk, being judged and failing.


14th February 2014

Not only is Valentine's Day a day for remembering and being grateful for our loved ones, it is also my birthday.

So what better day to completely embrace February's Face A Fear Everyday of 'Don't be scared to be yourself' than today?


So today, I proudly share with you Change: In Our Hands. I am so thankful for the support theasiandestination.com has received since its launch - so I take this opportunity to say thank you for following!

As a small Valentine-Birthday Wish, I would love for you to check out Change: In Our Hands and show it some Valentine-Birthday love on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Thank you so much -

Wishing you all a LOVE-ly Valentine's Day,


    What is Change: In Our Hands?It is a site aimed at being a positive source of uplifting material. We focus on sharing uplifting news, introducing you to worldwide heroes and helping raise awareness of some very important issues and causes that we are passionate about.


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