Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

The world is filled with wonderful festivals & holidays that create opportunities to learn about new cultures and traditions.

BUT – Don’t waste your time waiting for Thanksgiving in order to give thanks.

#ShowYourGratitude Everyday!


The Science Behind Gratitude

Studies have shown that happier people may not necessarily have significantly more than their less content counterparts, they just show more gratitude for what they do have[1][2]



Where you are right now may not be your desired final destination..& that is okay.

‘Be grateful for what you have, while in pursuit of what you want’  Jim Rohn


In other words:

‘Give thanks for what surrounds you whilst pursuing what’s in front of you’

The Asian Destination


So Today:

-Make a list of everything you’re grateful of today.

-Spread a little Thanksgiving love, regardless of whether you celebrate the holiday or not!

Let us know how you’re celebrating your Thanksgiving!

We hope you enjoy a blessed evening with friends, family & loved ones!

With love,

The Asian Destination xo

Recommended Reading: How The New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier


[1] Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: an experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of personality and social psychology84(2), 377.
[2] Emmons, R. (2007). Thanks!: How the new science of gratitude can make you happier.


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