Chai & Chats with: Veena V


From the very early age of 15, Veena V has been one to watch in the radio industry. She was awarded ‘Best Radio Presenter’ at the Channel 4 Talent Awards in 2008 and has interviewed the likes of Nicole Scherzinger and Jay Sean but still has many ambitions waiting to be fulfilled. The Asian Destination (TAD) talks to Veena V (VV) on her success. 

TAD: Veena, you made your mark in the radio industry from the early age of 15. What was it about radio that made you want to pursue it as a career?

VV: I just always found it fascinating from a very young age. When I was 5 I used to make cassettes for my family and teachers of me playing song and talking in between the tracks - little did I know I had put together a radio show!

I love being on the radio it gives me such a buzz and didn't really think of doing anything else as a career (except being a teacher, popstar, businesswoman and 100m Olympic runner when I was little!) Working in the broadcasting industry has always been my passion.


TAD: You have been so successful in your career already and yet you are still so young. How does it feel that many of your fans have placed you as their role model and look up to you?

VV: I wouldn't say I'm successful and I'm no where near where I want to be in my life and still have so many ambitions I want to fulfil. Many people don't realise I'm also a Mum so have slowed down in the last couple of years to really spend quality time with my son. Being a mum inspired me to set up a pregnancy blog called to document it all.

If children aspire to be like me that's a honour but I wouldn't call myself a role model.


TAD: In 2007, your Q2 RAJAR figures were 107,000 listeners and you beat the Breakfast Show figures which is really surprising. Have you faced criticism or jealousy in the industry? How do you deal with it all? And what advice would you give to individuals looking to break into the entertainment industry?

VV: My show and listener figures on Club Asia Radio has been one of my career highlights. I loved my time there and learnt a lot. I haven't encountered any jealousy in the radio industry but I have come across many people with big egos!

I've actually just written a blog post about how to be a radio presenter and I made a YouTube video on my 3 biggest tips to get into the media industry. I update my blog regularly so be sure to check out lots of radio and TV presenting advice on there if you’re trying to bang down that door.

TAD: Veena, how important is your Asian heritage? And how do you incorporate your ethnicity into your everyday life. Have you found it difficult to balance cultures and traditions whilst living in a British culture and lifestyle? Was your family always supportive of your career choices?

VV: Being Mauritian is important to me but I wouldn't say it's built into my everyday life. I never knew the Asian music industry existed and how important it was to people until I started working at Club Asia, I was blown away by it.

My parents have always been so supportive and just want me to be happy. They really are the best parents in the world and are my role models.


TAD: You have interviewed some huge names such as Nicole Scherzinger, Imran Khan and Jay Sean. Have you ever got really starstruck or tongue tied? If so, with whom? How do you deal with nerves on air? Who are you yet to meet that you would really love to?

VV: I don't think I've ever been starstuck except when I did my first celebrity interview at the age of 16! I love Nicole Scherzinger, she's even more beautiful in real life.

I would love to meet and interview Diddy and Richard Branson. They inspire me. I wake to Diddy’s Instagram pictures which really motivate me for the day ahead!

TAD: You already have a number of awards such as “Best Radio Presenter” at the Channel 4 (4 talent) awards in 2008, and host`The Shaadi Show’. What can we look forward to hearing and/or seeing you on next?

VV: Keep an eye on my blog for all my latest celebrity interviews and where you can hear me on the radio next

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