Inspiring Ana - #1


Ever get that feeling where your heart just plain •sings•?!

Namaste From Ananya - Inspiring, Ana

Filled with too much excitement, your head and mind can't quite bring themselves to fall asleep.


Variable & Unknown.

For some, a passion.

Painting, singing, performing.

For others, sports or crafts.

For me?

Quite recently?

It’s been discovering a new branch of organisations I want to be a part of, to get involved with, to support.

It might sound a little strange.

But often as young people, we're encouraged to follow a certain path. In doing so, our creativity is at risk of being squandered and our idealistic views  on how we can shape the world fall by the wayside.

All we're seemingly left with?

Cynicism, doubt & ultimately the resentment that a truly successful life, following, living and breathing one's passion is only reserved for the 'lucky few'.

Depressing thoughts aside, conversations with like-minded friends brought me back.

And that's sometimes all we need.

A handful of people that share the possibilities of life that you also believe.


It was then that I was reminded that to do good, you don't need to wait.

It doesn't necessarily mean you need to quite what you're doing in order to pursue it. There's nothing stopping you from getting involved with an organisation that stirs you. To donate to a cause that you truly believe in.

You don't even need money; you can donate time and effort in any shape or form. Be it simply to raise your voice & talk to one other person to raise an issue.

There really are no excuses.


And with the power of the internet, the freedom of knowledge has become empowering.

As I've mentioned before, in true The Alchemist style, one you commit to cause, amazingly the universe seems to conspire with you.

'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you'

The one goes looking, the more opportunities present themselves.

As if to say, 'The Universe has your back".

There are so many inspiring individuals I want to have the chance to meet, to listen to and learn  from. Not just about their own journeys and experiences but to find out how they breathed life into ideas others couldn't even fathom into reality.

Enter a new blog series.

Inspiring Ana.

A few posts strung together with one shared theme:

the inclusion of people following a passion and who inspire me to do the same.

Here you'll find previous Chai & Chats for that sole reason.

as well as new posts such as

One Man & His Tutu

The Tutu Project 

along with a fair few of posts I'm pretty excited to share.


Until the next time,

Namaste | from Ananya xo

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Namaste, India


Spiritual Sundays :: Where actually IS God?