5 Things Stopping You From Success

5 Things Stopping You From Succeeding

You have the goal. You have the dream. You may even have a plan.

But that is not enough.

The difference between achieving a goal and merely wanting it is the amount of dedicated hours you’re willing to put in order to make it a reality. We all know this in theory but putting into practice is a lot harder. Why?

1. I don’t know about you but there are the days when I just can’t be bothered i.e. I get lazy.

We procrastinate. We kid ourselves into believing we can do the task later, tomorrow, next month.


If something is worth having, it requires dedicated effort now.

Don’t put off something for tomorrow that you can do TODAY.


2.       We are our own worst enemy.

We start to believe that little voice inside that says:

‘I don’t deserve this..’ ‘I’m not <<insert adjective>> enough’

If you have the creativity to visualise and aspire for something greater, know you are worthy enough. Have the courage to follow it through.


3. We compare ourselves to other people.

Life is not a race. People will travel along their chosen paths, will grow into their own and have different aspirations, all at varied paces.

There is no right or wrong. Though we share the world with billions of neighbours, we are living this one life for ourselves.  We all have a unique gift. Don’t deprive the world of what you have to offer.


4.       Trying to please everyone.

I’ve tried to do subconsciously do this before and let me tell you one thing. You will NEVER be able to please everyone. Not everyone will agree with you, not everyone will like you. But one of life’s lessons is that, it really does not matter.

As long as your choices and decisions are 100% for you (and don’t intentionally hurt others) don’t feel guilty for following your own dreams.


5.       We Don’t Commit.

We’ve all fallen into the trap I think. We feel excited about a new goal, resolution or plan.

It goes well for a day, week or if you’re lucky several months. But eventually, we run out of steam. It’s hard to keep up the momentum, and like running, once you stop, it’s so much harder to pick yourself up and continue at the same pace.

Don’t feel too discouraged.

We all have lapses.

Realise that this break is temporary and remind yourself of why you started, what it is you want to achieve and feel.

There may be some more to add to the list so feel free to comment below! We’ll also be sharing some new ideas with you all in November so keep your eyes peeled.

Good Luck with all your goals, dreams and aspirations today and for this month of November!

With love,

The Asian Destination xo


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Frustrations of being a British Born Indian Bengali